Remote maintenance / online support
Disclaimer for using TeamViewer
KUFATEC GmbH & Co. KG assumes no warranty for the programs installed on your computer, as well as their protection devices (antivirus or firewall). Solely the customer is responsible for its data security. The liability is limited to intent and gross negligence.
KUFATEC GmbH & Co. KG accepts no liability for damages not caused by it, even if they are in temporal proximity to the rendered remote support.
By clicking on the link you accept this agreement for online support and the TeamViewer download will start.
Service Teamviewer
Please check if this view of the program appears after starting Teamviewer. If this is not the case, the Teamviewer service was not started,
but the Teamviewer installed on the PC. In order for the Teamviewer service to run, the Teamviewer installed on the PC must be completely
terminated or uninstalled from the Windows Task Manager.