KUFATEC Quality made in Germany
We prove our worth.
Since 2003, we have been developing retrofits for original systems on motor vehicles. Over this time, we have gained a lot of experience which we continue to expand not at least with the support of competent employees. Every day, we improve to demonstrate the high standard of our processes, products and services to our customers, partners and suppliers.
Our products with the quality "made in Germany" are a popular retrofit solution around the world.
We advance.
All processes in our company are described by the KUFATEC management system. This is subjected to continuous supervision and updating as well as to a continuous improvement process, in which all involved persons are included.
Like that we can tap the full available potential and advance.
We adapt ourselves.
As a result of always changing, demanding markets and alternating customer expectations, our company is confronted constantly with altered general conditions and requirements. Our quality management enable it to react flexibly to all challenges.
Like that KUFATEC keeps its fitness for the future.